Knight Transportation Destroys Evidence - Why You Need to Hire a Lawyer ASAP in Trucking Cases!

23:18 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Home > Spoliation > Knight Transportation Destroys Evidence - Why You Need to Hire a Lawyer ASAP in Trucking Cases!Posted on August 12, 2011 by Morgan Adams

Knight Transportation has been found guilty of destroying evidence. Destruction of evidence is typical in the trucking industry and a prime reason you need to hire a lawyer ASAP.

In the case at hand the federal judge in Texas stated:

[The Driver's] flight from the accident scene and Knight's hasty replacement of the truck's tires are the epitome of bad faith conduct. [The driver's] flight from the accident scene and Knight's hasty replacement of the truck's tires are the epitome of bad faith conduct. Surely the driver, a professional truck driver, knew that fleeing the accident scene not only violated the law but would necessarily thwart evidence recovery efforts on the truck. Likewise, Knight's replacement of the truck's tires within two days of the fatality accident, after its driver fled the scene and the state, cannot seriously be labeled anything less than intentional conduct.  

Lastly, Knight's failure to preserve key Qualcomm messages, in the face of a request to produce and preserve by a law enforcement agency, also strongly evinces bad faith.

The full case can be downloaded HERE

View the original article here

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