Medical Emergency Causes Multi-Car Pileup | Everett Car Accident Attorney

23:29 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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As a Seattle car accident attorney, I know the unpredictability of the road and other drivers is partly why good defensive driving habits are extremely important. Some defensive driving behaviors could be driving a safe distance behind the car in front of you, being aware of the cars around you, and driving the speed limit. These are good tips to avoid tragic accidents on the road. According to, on Monday afternoon, a multi-car pile up occurred just south of Everett. The accident that involved 16 cars appears to have been caused by an unknown medical emergency of one of the drivers. The accident caused the pile up that involved several cars and spread 500 feet west of the initial crash. Two drivers had to be cut out of their vehicles and taken to local hospitals with serious injuries and one other driver suffered minor injuries. You can’t control what other drivers do and some accidents are unavoidable but using your defensive driving skills could help prevent more serious or even fatal injuries.

The National Safety Council is dedicated, along with government agencies, to the improvement of traffic safety. Providing defensive driving courses for all 50 states in hopes of improving the quality of drivers across the nation and ultimately reducing the number of traffic deaths is the goal of the NSC. Taking a defensive driving course could help you become better prepared for unpredictable driving situations.

If you or a family member have been injured in a car accident and have questions concerning who is liable, you need to contact the dependable services of an experienced Everett car accident attorney. I believe driving is a very serious responsibility and everyone should possess good defensive driving skills. Call me at Premier Law Group and I will dedicate my time and knowledge to your case in order to ensure you the compensation that you deserve. For more information and a FREE CONSULTATION, contact me at (206)285-1743.

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Tags: auto Accident, Car Accident, Everett, Medical Emergency, Multi-Car Crash, Multiple Vehicle, personal injury, Pileup, Seattle, Traffic Accident, washington


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