50,000 Letter of formal notice on unsafe trucking companies of FMCSA be sent

15:49 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Posted on 8 March 2011 by Morgan Adams

Warning letters (an example can be found here) are the first step that takes the FMCSA to tell trucking companies that they are flawed in a field of safety. It is expected that 8% of all carriers (approx. 50,000) warning letters in the next few months, according to an article in the issue 7 March 2011 transportation topics, an industry newsletter received. This means that almost one in every 10 truck on the road by a truck company operated, that is unsafe in any way.The new Government will now cause security system, CSA 2010, these identified companies roadside inspections still have increased.

In the course of time, that hope it is, that the need for decreasing the letter a warning, as truck companies become more secure in response to these identified problems or have their authority to use, if they not to problems to resolve. Currently starts the truck industry is booming, with more freight is delivered and bought more trucks. Environment each driver is the temptation for truck company, in a rising freight costs, rent, as long as the loads get moved and the company makes money, important. I'll continue that on these issues how to implement the new security system and its full ramifications are work by the industry and the legal system.

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