We 19-20 in Orlando forward to Avvocating 2011 Conference, may

Last year, it has lot of discussion about Avvo's impact on the legal profession. Critics have said that Avvo's rating system seems arbitrary, and varies for no reason. Others have such as Jay Fleishman, the Web start for large Web presence and growing community. I am a unabashed fan of Avvo, both for its innovative platform and his wise debate on Web and legal issues on the Avvo blog and NakedLaw. For these reasons, among other things, I am becoming more and more excited for next week Avvocating Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The agenda for Avvocating Conference next week is jam packed with some of the best minds in legal marketing. In addition to CEO Mark Britton and Marketing Director Conrad SAAM is Google places guru Mike Blumenthal about online rankings and reviews and talk Brian fir tree will analyse some of the issues, complicated legal ethics in the online marketing world. The keynote speaker Kendall is coffee, an experienced attorney who worked on the controversy Elian Gonzales and the presidential election 2000 tell in Florida. Check out the Avvocating of the detailed agenda and for the event, visit the Web site Avvo register. If you can make it, I will be tweeting and Liveblogging on issues of Web and social media marketing for lawyers.
I last year but my previous visit not the Avvocating Conference, returns Kaitlin with glowing reviews and a positive Outlook on Avvo's operating procedures. After the Conference, mark Britton and Conrad SAAM was informative interviews with GJEL blog. GJEL managing partner Andy Gillin was an active participant of Avvo regularly to answer user questions and upload of legal documents on topics such as car accident of preparedness. Check out Andy's "Car accident 101" webinar with Avvo recorded last year.
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