What to do is: car accident

17:30 Publicado por Mario Galarza

If you have involved in a car accident, there are some things you need to do quickly. It is important, a personal injury lawyer contact, so that key evidence can be maintained. In cases of serious injury specialist must possible vehicle to examine defects and it is important to explore every possible source of recovery. Keep in mind that some injury growing worse as time passes. If you have been seriously injured have, you must carefully choose your lawyer. In serious violation cases in which the injured victim requires expensive medical care, can mean the difference between life and death.

Here is a checklist of things to keep after an accident in the eye.

First, check for injuries. See see if someone needs help.You call the police. paramedic request, if necessary.If you have or suspect a violation, you find a Arzt.Wenn have a chance, write down how each vehicle was damaged.Try involves you, the names, addresses and drivers license numbers, passengers and witnesses in the accident.You write a description of other vehicles and vehicle Nummern.Benachrichtigen your insurance agent about the Unfall.Signieren you any document, and give no statement except for the police.

In all cases, you should keep injuries evidence and document. It is the scene of the accident, which photograph your injuries and the vehicles involved, the best way. In any case with physical injuries or serious damage to property should not give a statement to each insurance adjuster, also your own until you have spoken with a lawyer.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury as one of the negligence or the negligence of another, please call a dedicated personal injury lawyer at Kelley/Uustal today.

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