Five Vehicle Crash on the I 405 Freeway Injures Two People

7:21 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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October 20, 2011 - According to reports a five vehicle accident occurred on the I-405 Freeway, causing injuries to two people. As Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, we often deal with these types of situations. But this is a little dfferen't.

We have found that the tollway accidents usually involve greater speeds and thus, likely to result in more severe injuries. According to California Highway Patrol Officer J. Jones, the five vehicle collision occurred at approximately 6:20 a.m. on the I-405 Freeway in the vicinity of the 73 toll road in Costa Mesa.

Costa Mesa Fire Department Battalion Chief Fred Seguin the five vehicle accident included a Ford Explorer that rolled over, a Toyota Solara, a Lincoln limousine, an airport shuttle van and a Hyundai Tiberon.

Chief Seguin stated that a female driver of the Ford Explorer was injured and a female driver of the Toyota Solara was ejected from the vehicle and injured. Both women were transported from the scene of the crash to area hospitals.

California Highway Patrol Officer Jones stated that witnesses said the driver of the Toyota Solara was speeding prior to the accident. The five vehicle crash closed all lanes of the I-405 Freeway after the crash, until approximately 7:40 a.m. As a vehicle ejection attorney, I want to remind all of you. Wear your seatbelts.

This is the best way to avoid a passenger ejection and death, or brain injuries. To learn more about accident avoidance, feel free to contact our car accident attorneys at: 5000 Birch Street West Tower, Suite 3000 Newport Beach, CA 92660 USA +949.891.0127.

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