Dec. 15 is the worst day for California drivers: how to stay safe on the road today

21:55 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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According to Allstate and KTLA News, Dec. 15 is California’s most dangerous day for driving since most car accidents occur on this day. Unfortunately, more Californians are involved in automobile crashes on Dec. 15 versus any other day of the year.

The statistics come from Allstate Insurance Company after a review of California insurance claims spanning the last four years. There could be a wide variety of reasons Dec. 15 sees a spike in California-related car accidents: holiday shopping, bad weather and holiday parties – a popular Dec. 15 occasion – are all attributed as possible factors.

Car accident claims jump a staggering 23 percent on Dec. 15 compared to the daily average of Allstate’s processed claims throughout the year.

Could holiday shopping be that bad? On Dec. 15 it may be, so we encourage you to follow these safe driving tips today. You can help make the roads a little safer this year. Here’s how.

Whether it’s poor weather, busy mall traffic, or a long drive for a holiday party, here are tips to keep you safe on the road today. Don’t risk a being involved in San Diego car accident on Dec. 15!

So much to do, so little time. You and many others may be feeling this same way, so don’t hustle to get to your destination today. Be aware that high levels of stress can contribute to fatigue, causing you to be less alert on the road. The top cause of car accidents is distracted driving so don’t try to juggle too many tasks in the car today. Your driving ability is drastically improved when you reduce distractions and give yourself enough time to get to your destination, whether it be the mall or a holiday party. Plan ahead!

Dec. 15 is a popular date to host holiday festivities, and a big lunch or dinner is sure to make you feel tired today. Getting sleepy at the wheel is dangerous, so don’t risk it today. Most importantly, consider your alcohol level and never overindulge and drive under the influence. San Diego car accidents, especially DUI-related crashes, are heavy this time of year. Don’t be another statistic. Stay on the right side of the law and get a designated driver, and be sure to make arrangements prior to drinking.

You can bet that mall traffic increases in the evenings and on weekends, when most people are off work and available to shop. Consider being flexible in your travel plans today, and do your shopping another time. And because Dec. 18 is Allstate’s fourth most miserable driving day, you might want to consider doing your holiday shopping during the week, at off-peak hours.

If a crash does happen, and you become injured in a car accident, call us today at 1-800-655-6585 for a free legal evaluation of your San Diego car accident.

View the original article here

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