The 10 most outrageous personal injury actions in history

23:10 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Thanks to the infamous "hot coffee" lawsuit against McDonald's in 1992, in which $ 2.86 million award a jury Stella our corner, outrageous claims in the courts have exploded. Although the vast majority of cases of assault are legitimate, have a few bad apples in our judicial system in the years snuck. If anyone blame a table saw manufacturer for not to mention the cutting off-the-finger feature (amounting to $1.5 million before the Court, in the case, that you are questions) or claimed a lack of know causes double five cheeseburgers a day weight gain, People seem willing, try to make some money.

To prove it, here is a list of the 10 most outrageous personal injury claims in the history:

(1) Not shake and drive. After a man at a McDonald's drive through, he tried for a few French fries while driving as the milkshake, which he had placed between the knees of his round exploded to reach. Distracted, he collided with another car. The driver the car blame McDonald's for his small injuries. Finally, the restaurant had a specific warning on the label about the dangers of food and not go. Although the case at the Supreme Court proceeded New Jersey cast is, had at the end of McDonald's not the wounded nothing pay.

2. Church lady turned nympho. In an earlier lawsuit, which occurred in 1964, with the name of a wife Gloria Sykes, a minor accident a experienced cable car, which caused her some bumps, And…wait for It…a ravenous case Nymphomania blue spots. The woman claimed that after the accident, she developed a voracious appetite for sex (up to 50 men per week), who were not there, before the accident happened. The jury their $50,000 for their troubles, and the case is one of the first court accepted instances of post-traumatic stress disorder. Sykes is terrifying, now in a mental institution.

3. To the Moon and back. She wouldn't think that demolished your pants and your back out of a window leaning badly could end. But for a college student in Idaho, which began with a strike ended with a four-story fall and an injured pelvis. The kicker is that he tried, the school for not properly explain the danger on the fourth floor to sue life.

4. A wee case of stage fright. If you thought the only problem one participation at a Billy Joel/Elton John concert people would experience a feeling of emasculation, you thought wrong. A man sued Jack Murphy Stadium (now known as Qualcomm) and the city of San Diego because of its policy unisex bathroom. "" He was unfortunately not in a position "in the presence of women, which it emotional and physical hardship of having to" to keep it."" He lost his 5.2 million US dollar lawsuit.

5. Where the ladies at? Advertising is convincing, and especially so for Richard Overton, who in 1991 sued Anheuser-Busch for false advertising. To materialize after started the man to drink the drink, claimed Overton he experienced depression and emotional distress as a bikini-clad women from the air. It took three years to bring to bear on the case and win his $10,000 have Overton. He continues to drink beer.

(6) Not everyone wants, such as Mike Apparently all Heckard was 15 years from "Slander and pressure" because he claimed that he constantly Jordan held star Michael for NBA. By 2006 he had enough, and so he sued Jordan and Nike founder Phil Knight for a total of $ 862 million. To sum up, what he allegedly said, the question of how he came up with this high figure, he said that he multiplied his age with 7 and turned around the number and that's figured out how it it. Heckard dropped the case when he learned how to do math.

7. Proof that stupidity is an international phenomenon, the wizarding world of Wal Fitzgerald accused Jerry Rose of several companies, including Wal-Mart and Microsoft, sorcery, to practice witchcraft and Satanic rituals to increase profit and practice mind control on him. Rose searched 2 billion dollars in the fall 2008 and Microsoft lawyer had to say: "I think, this is akin to someone she says injuries suffered, because their boat over the edge of the world."

8. What the flock? In 2002, as Darlene Griffin and her son Okeeheelee were Park in Palm Beach County, Florida, visit they were suddenly accused of a wild goose. The woman claimed she knocked on the ground was and an injury sustained to her tailbone. You tried to sue the County, but was unsuccessful. More experienced by nine years, the goose still the dark swamps of Florida, searching for victims cruise.

9. 5-Day Falsecast. A morning in 1996, be an Israeli woman laid down sunshine, because this is, what their local Weatherperson they expect had said. Very strange, it was raining instead. Due to the in forecast accuracy this odd lapse the wife has the flu, missed work and money for drugs. It therefore has the logical thing and sued the television channel for $1,000.

10. 1-800-OOPS. In 2007, Leroy Greer 1-800-flowers sued for $1.5 million. The reason? The company inadvertently revealed to his wife that he cheats on it was. The flower company sent a thank you note, Greer's home for flowers, which he had purchased for his mistress.

There you have it. Personal injury suits come in all shapes and sizes. While most of them are legitimate and should be settled in court, others, may be a waste of time during the conversation. Although most suits personal injuries are perfectly legitimate, crazy cases such as these serve as an example, that some people (and their lawyers) things a little too far.

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