Cycling injury accident: help, find police of the hit-and-run drivers.

22:09 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Police in the Los Angeles area contact the public drivers to find a hit and run. The perpetrators collided the traveller with a cyclist Wednesday, December 14, seriously injured, and then fleeted the scene, according to ABC News. The bicycle accident occurred in Tustin, California, South of Los Angeles.

The cyclist was usually travel if he 2010 Mustang was hit Ford by a red. The vehicle is reported to a car with license number 6LLX505. The driver was described as male drivers, which allegedly caused the bike accident and then fled the scene of the crime.

Southern Californians who are tips in connection with the alleged perpetrator have to contact the LA police.

Stay safe on the streets is just as important for cyclists as for driver. In the United States, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 2 percent of all 2009 traffic accidents involved a bike, and in 2010, more than 51,000 cyclists were injured. This is an amazing increase in bicycle injuries, up strongly from 43,000 in 2007.

Use these helpful tips to prevent a cycling accident in San Diego.

Check for oncoming cyclist in round.You are looking for oncoming cyclists when opening your door in the direction of the Straße.Nicht your horn when cyclists horns, if you don't really need to - this can the cyclist scare.Not to closely follow the cyclists. Give with lots of space.Make sure cyclists turning into each Lane.Investieren you common sense equipment such as a bicycle light, reflective badge and a horn or Bell.Verlangsamen if you think that a driver can't see you. This is especially important for night use, or in the evening travel and can help prevent car accidents.Avoid travel at night, if you can.Drive not on the sidewalk. Should the route because this is the safest area travel by bicycle.Drive on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against you.

If you was injured as a cyclist in San Diego, call our Office for a free review for your case. We are a bike accident lawyers that can help you receive compensation, if you have injured in an accident.

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