Kent man transported incident after romping to Harborview

21:36 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As Kent personal injury lawyer working in a law firm in Seattle car accident I that most young people don't realize how a weapon dangerous can a vehicle be white. Herumtoben and car are two words that should never fall in the same sentence together.

Last night a young man from Kent, whose Name has not yet been released, critical injury after fall off the trunk of a friend's car suffered. Kent police say that the man climbed on the trunk of his friend's cars after the friend with him talking about drawn but was that the vehicle started which scene caused fall off the young man. He was treated by local paramedics and firefighters at the scene, but ultimately with Harborview Medical Center due to its potentially brought, had to life-threatening injuries. Kent police have decided to press charges calling the incident a tragic accident.

I hope that this is a terrible accident as a warning to other young people there that drummer with a vehicle can have potentially fatal results. Driving is a huge responsibility and not only know many young drivers, such as a car can be dangerous. A car accident like this can cause severe personal injury or even to the wrongful death of a friend, potentially ruin someone's life lead. If you drive a car you should not be involved in mischief or texting your friends should refer to your security and that the people around you.

Tags: auto accident, Harborview medical center, Kent personal injury attorney, Kent police, personal injury, Seattle car accident law firm, texting, wrongful death


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