Paroled injured prisoners in Fort Worth rollover accident

7:16 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As Tarrant County personal injury lawyer I speculate often that passengers in a bus or train in the event of an accident are far more vulnerable because they have no control over the vehicle and are powerless to avoid any risk. Their lives are completely in the hands of the driver. Such a situation would be bad enough - but imagine if you were at the same time tied up with handcuffs?

This is just a truckload of paroled inmates from the mineral wells restore rights prison yesterday i30 were fate as in Fort Worth. The van, that which you have been riding in blew a tire, so turn it around and land on its side. Fortunately, passers-by took quick and decisive action and the driver, the guard and the sex offenders out of the ashes saved. The driver and two passengers were treated for minor injuries, but all others are reportedly okay.

I would like to welcome the good Samaritans, which increased to help, and I wish the injured a speedy recovery from her injuries. From the report it seems that this accident could have been be a lot worse than it was actually, and for this we should all be grateful.

Mark Anderson is a board certified Texas traffic collision lawyer and author of the book 15-error, the your Texas accident case could wreck. If you or a loved one in a car accident that not your fault, call now for a free, no obligation advice on the case been injured. Toll free 800-354-6275. Fort Worth 817-294-1900.

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