You order "ERISA sucks" judge refuses to spaces

22:07 Publicado por Mario Galarza

About remember judge Acker, the judge whose judgment I talked in my last blog about why ERISA sucks? Now, he has managed somehow to get even further on my good side.

In the same case in which he apart after tore ERISA in his opinion, post trial the defence one deal with the plaintiff, she would appeal not the case, if agreed, the opinion have cleared cut. So called to submit the two parties to the court clerk, the movement, over the telephone to spaces. Judge Acker took also friendly to their attempt, did not give it if not despicable, presented in opposition to a movement [me] during [my] 28 years on the bench.

Insurance companies refuse to pay are often, to go to court, lose, then rules for legal proceedings in the hope to keep the adverse decision under wraps. Here judge Acker, a man who is not ready, buried justive is alive to serve the interests of insurance companies.

Here judge Acker short order deny the motion, to spaces.


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