Fort made his victim to remember worth drunk driver

3:13 Publicado por Mario Galarza

The AAA has recently announced a few shocking statistics on drunk driving: first, almost 11,000 people died driver in the United States last year because of a drunk - thats accident, almost a third of all traffic fatalities Secondly allowed 1 in 10 drivers respondents getting behind the wheel when it knew or suspected that they were about the permitted. As Watauga injury not these revelations are lawyer really shocking. I know that go drinking and driving accidents are extremely dangerous. Texans at large appear aware of the problem, but people still in the driver's seat after drinking and inevitably in a wreck.

You may have heard last week Elton Campbell about the conviction of Christopher in Fort Worth. The famous intoxication guilty to manslaughter related to a car accident, in August 2009, caused the killing Renee Danielle Horton. I not Mrs Horton's present family, but am familiar with the case I her fiancé represented, which was also seriously injured in the wreck. It was an absolutely awful wreck.

As part of the bargain plea, family approved of Horton's must Campbell a bracelet with Horton name on you as a constant reminder of death carry, he caused. He must also each Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July for the next ten years in the Tarrant County jail - in addition to the anniversary provided for Horton's birth and death spend. This is all in the next 30 days in prison spend and giving up alcohol drink. During the 10 years probation must he also wear ankle monitor an alcohol recognition and installed a breathalyzer in his car.

Certainly, Mr Campbell will not forget the grief, he work with his ruthless has caused nearly two years ago. My hope is that this conviction leads us all to stop and think. This drunk driver lost their lives due to the someone. Put yourself in the shoes of the Horton family - her mother lost a daughter. My client lost its finances. Now put yourself in the shoes of Campbell - imagine the guilt, imagine, spend the next ten Christmas way of your own family, your children, why must it Daddy gifts around the tree Christmas morning... Open not to ruins many, many life explain drink every year. It is never worth. At all.

Mark Anderson is certified a Board car wreck and wrongful death lawyer of the victims of road accidents collision for 20 years has helped in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. If you or a loved one due to the actions of another driver injured been, call for a free consultation at 800-354-mark (6275) mark.

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