Back to badly behaving defeated UNUM

17:46 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Here is another case where we see insurance companies who misbehave. Patricia Galvin, was a tax lawyer from Northern California rear ended by a speeder and the to chronic debilitating back pain would lead back, suffered injuries. Any physician of Ms. Galvin has seen that she could not work due to the pain.

The only doctor to say that they could work was Dr. Stephen Jacobson, who claimed that Mrs Galvin was subjective pain and that there was no objective medical evidence, which was pain at the level of, they described the UNUM. UNUM also claimed that the cause of Galvin but was not their injuries from the accident incapacity of depression, strengthened by a hostile work environment (which was created after their injuries by their inability to function).

So, UNUM claims that their inability to work is caused their hostile working environment. Keep despite the fact that this work hostile working environment of their attempts despite their disability was created. A more catch-22 by hand by the insurance company to deny a legitimate claim. This time is the Court with the plaintiff but voted in California is likely a more generous State, when it comes to dealing with insurance and it certainly not the case, a similar result could be in, that similar circumstances elsewhere.

Read more about the full statement and more on Galvin v. UNUM and ERISA cases here.


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