Earthquake insurance (including car) is a reminder to check your Virginia

22:07 Publicado por Mario Galarza

It is a rare event in Virginia, but the jerk who felt residents in the afternoon of 23 August 2011 was that an earthquake can happen at any time a wake up call,. A, the magnitude 5.9 earthquake Virginia reached at 13: 50 on Tuesday. The earthquake was so great that shook it, New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Tennessee and South Carolina.

How bad was it? It has formulated thus: the Pentagon was evacuated and a press conference was cancelled due to the earthquake in New York.

Earthquakes are not common in our State, so many people find themselves unprepared, when a strike. In fact, if a smaller earthquake hit last year the D.C. area, some not even what happens. Unfortunately was caught unprepared to be also mean that the appropriate insurance cover is missing.

This earthquake is to check a memory of your insurance cover. Earthquakes tend to leave massive damage in their wakes, and you want to get caught not unprepared.

While you check your earthquake coverage are, why not give your car insurance a look? We have languages with too many people over the years, which lacked the right vehicle insurance, especially for uninsured and under insured motorist coverage. A slight increase in which your bonus can mean an additional hundreds of thousands of dollars in coverage.

To learn more about auto insurance in our free book, the ultimate guide to buying car insurance in Virginia.

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