Studies show eating & drinking while driving may be a greater distraction than phones

17:53 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Mobile phone-related distracted is distracted a leading cause of Atlanta driving car accidents. While the growth of electronic devices are a leading cause of serious accidents in Georgia, certainly disturb other distractions drivers also safe driving, including food and drink while driving.

Because drive through restaurants so often, it is not surprising that food and drink while car crashes contributes the trip to Atlanta. Some fast-food chains also package the food so that the driver can eat the food in her car. A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that food or drink, while 80 percent of accidents caused the ride. The study also shows that 65% of the almost accidents are also connected to eat while driving.

These surprising results of the study show that distracted driving to cover food and drink a factor in more accidents than DUI, cell phone use or SMS while driving is. A separate study by ExxonMobil Corp. thousand drivers found that 70 percent of drivers during driving and 83 per cent drink drinks while driving food. It is very possible to predict that that consumed many people to patronize the fast-food and Starbucks-drive thrus drinks and food in their car. Some fast-food chains package even especially the food eaten in the vehicle. Another study led SMARTDrive systems, an organization that promotes safety training and research. The Organization compiles and accumulated data of more than 34 million high-risk driving incidents. This study found that food and drink a serious is car-accident risk than with a mobile phone while driving.

Wining and dining in your own car is a Visual, physical and mental distraction. A driver will often avert the vision of the road, when unpacking foodstuffs or foodstuffs from spill and trying to prevent a mess in the vehicle. Food and drink provide a physical distraction in a car accident, when unpacking or keep you can lead the element during the food or beverages. This means that both the driver's hands on the steering wheel. A driver may be diverted also mentally, at the drive in the negotiations on the packaging, food that is eaten in the car and avoid spill prepare. Distracted driving distractions, at the same time a driver's license to disturb attention visually, physically and mentally make the most serious Atlanta drive risks.

There are types of food and drink, the more problematic than others including the following:

Hot liquids: hot coffee, tea, and soups that distracted driving can pose threat most serious. Hot liquids such as drinks or soup can spill scalding a driver. A drink that hatches moisture and the round course can a severe distraction while driving. Also drivers that are not scalded can about coloring or otherwise damaged its interior be overly affected and try that absorb liquid or the confusion during the vehicle moving cleaning up.Greasy or savory finger food: Finger foods, the oily or salty, such as popcorn and French fries may constitute a risk, where the driver looks for something, to clean the hands of the vehicle. The result of the driver's hands from the steering wheel, to rid yourself to identify, focused on something at the hands of eyes and the road and the spirit, rather than focusing on the road come. The fat can make the steering wheel also slippery.Hot and messy food: food such as pizza and Philly cheese include steak sandwiches. Hot cheese or fat can this kind of food that fall in the round, which lead to a fire. The spill can cause a slimy, sticky mess that will distract the driver, who can clean up the need immediately, the confusion. Stephanie Schwartz, a driving instructor and the owner it means the Roadrunner-traffic school in Phoenix: "An alert driver requires 1.5 seconds to respond to something that occur while they are on the way." "A driver distracted attention distribution is between the food and needs drive three second-twice, the time to respond."These drinks drinks, which are missing straws: require the use of hands, eyes and mental concentration, open or the drink. Imagine also a spill risk, which means that a driver can concentrate on cleaning up a potential spill. A sudden stop when drinking can also cause a driver, gagging, if the liquid goes down the wrong pipe.Food apart easily covered: There are many foods, which is difficult to fall apart like sub sandwiches, burritos, and large, messy, loaded Burger. These foods require a high degree of concentration to manipulate, so that they fall not apart while you are traveling. Like other foods with high risk they can make the chaos while driving a mess, spilling, spices, fat and other elements that are tempting to clean a driver.

The end result is that a rider, eating, drinking while driving, an inappropriate risk of accident represents Atlanta Motor vehicle. Most openly confirm the danger of the use of a mobile phone drivers while driving, but have no idea that drivers that provide food to consume and drinks cause a worse risk an Atlanta drive accident distracted. If you or someone you love is hurt or can suffer unlawful death in a Georgia distracted driving accident, you or your loved a right to compensation for injuries or losses. The experienced Atlanta distracted driving lawyers Montlick and associates who have driving victims in Georgia is distracted for 27 years.

Our Atlanta car wreck lawyers are customers in all Georgia and in the Southeast, including but not limited to Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Gainesville, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Savannah, Smyrna, Valdosta, to support Warner Robins and all the smaller towns and rural areas in the State. No matter where you are our lawyers are only a phone call away, and we come to you. Call the week us 24 hours a day/7 days for your free consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333). You can also visit evaluation us online at and our free fall form or 24-hour live chat online.

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