Motorcycle Police Officer Injured by Driver He Stopped that Took Off

4:23 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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November 2, 2011 - According to reports a police officer was injured when hit by a driver he pulled over for a traffic violation. According to Garden Grove Police Department the police officer was injured in the 13000 block of Brookhurst Street in Garden Grove at approximately 9:33 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Garden Grove Police Lt. Jeff Nightengale stated that the motorcycle officer stopped the driver for not having his seatbelt on, who then fled from a parking lot where he had pulled over. The motorcycle officer was struck by the vehicle suffering injuries to the legs.

According to Lt. Nightengale the officer is expected to recover, but he was unsure of the extent of the motorcycle officer’s injuries. The Garden Grove police have identified the driver as 28 year old Marcos Gonzalez, who is described as 5 feet, eight inches tall and approximately 220 pounds. At the time that the motorcycle officer was struck the vehicle was a 2002 four door green Infiniti, according to police.

According to Lt. Nightengale the information about the driver and the vehicle was obtained from the ticket the police officer was writing at the time he was struck. Police have not found any outstanding warrants on the driver.

Lt. Nightengale said the officer noticed that the driver appeared to be acting nervous, at which time the officer asked the man to step outside of the vehicle and patted him down. The officer radioed for backup and the man ran back to the car. The officer and the man struggled at the door of the vehicle, when the driver put the car in reverse knocking the officer down with the open door. The driver then put the vehicle in drive and drove over the officers legs.

The motorcycle accident attorney at Ehline Law Firm PC will be covering this story and provide updates as to the issues of liability, damages and recovery. Call 213.596.9642, to learn more about tort law.

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