6 Celebrity personal injury lawsuits

0:50 Publicado por Mario Galarza

All cities in America believe that you a 100 million dollar lawsuit for pain and suffering caused by a baby commercial would be associated with? How about a celebrity therapist, a claim for wrongful submission because of the delivered "friendship treaty?" The answer is Hollywood, of course.

1. LiLo feud with ETrade

Lindsay Lohan feud with ETRADE (she sued for a whopping $100 million) on its commercial baby Milkaholic is resolved out of court for an undisclosed amount.
Talk show host Dr. Phil legal problems include a dog bite is incident - and a strange thing about Dr. Phil close friends forcing his habit to sign action waivers. While these cases and many others in Tinseltown seem bizarre, they show the wide range of personal injury cases, which are seen by the courts.

2. Brett Michaels v. CBS and the Tony Awards show

During a performance at the 2009 Tony Awards show, singer Bret Michaels sustained head and face injuries as part of stage scenery on him killed.

According to the lawsuit, filed last month by his lawyer the accident could have been avoided when organizers of Michael's view was informed that the Group would be new at the end of his performance, or if she had judged him to exit stage right or left.

Michaels was then in April 2010 when he suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which him almost killed. The suit alleges that these and other ongoing medical conditions are the direct result of the awards show injuries. Michaels is seeking unspecified amount in damages from producers and CBS.

3. Actor James Marshall brings defective drug lawsuit

Rising star James Marshall claims that he serious health problems caused by the acne treatment drug Accutane short had cut his career after developing.  Accutane maker Hoffman LaRoche is the most common complaint is the development of stomach intestine diseases nationwide, sued in thousands of individual cases.

Marshall, who played alongside Tom Cruise in "a few good men", Navy seeks damages for loss of profits, pain and suffering and lifetime medical care costs $ 11 million. Accutane has been totally out of the market in a recall 2009 moved.

4. David Beckham sues in touch magazine for libel

On the side of the spectrum action lighter personal injury is football feeling, being David Beckham sued a false and malicious story in touch magazine for publishing what he claims. The magazine reported that he had an affair with a prostitute.

In his lawsuit against the publication is called Beckham the history of his family great emotional damage caused. Beckham and his wife Victoria - also known as Posh Spice, spice since 1999 married fame - girls and has four children together.

In cases, the alleged violation of libel must the plaintiff to prove that the Publisher made intentionally false statements without adequate research into the truthfulness of the claims. Also damage to the plaintiff must have led to the false statements.

5. Katie Holmes sues Star Magazine in $50 million libel suit

Actress Katie Holmes is a frequent target of the tabloids, particularly due to the marriage high-profile Megastar Tom Cruise. In a recent lawsuit filed by Holmes against the popular tabloid star claims Holmes, the magazine published malicious and untrue headlines, which stated that she was addicted.

The defamation lawsuit further States that the actual article with use of illicit drugs, provided, had not the record to support the unwanted headline, nothing to do and that it was going to propose that she and husband Tom were headed for divorce.

Holmes can according to numerous media well prevail, as their claims about the lack of truth in reporting directly are.

6. Long-time family friend bites Dr.

A former friend of talk show host Dr. Phil and wife Robin McGraw sued the famous couple for severe injuries caused by the family dog, attacked and the friend in the McGraw Beverly Hills home-bit.

Janet Harris claims that Dr. Phil dog was unrestrained, as it it without provocation brutally attacked. Harris States, puncture, suffered wounds and delay the proper treatment due to the depth permanent injuries - including a disease caused by bacteria.

Although the incident happened late in 2009, the issue is not yet clear. Dr. Phil recently appeared at the Court, where Harris filed the lawsuit to ask that they be released. Dr Phil holds an action for annulment of agreement with Harris, that contains an arbitration clause.

In personal injury cases by public opinion, tried, Dr. Phil would be toast. A number of Hollywood Reporter have developed an aversion to the star because he recently 25 million dollars for a new feature that the Kennedy connection spent rivals, but still he Harris rejected request has, to help with medical bills. The rather sleazy practice shield asked start friends, complaint to sign waivers, and you, think the comedian, the Kathy could be Griffin on something if she calls Dr. Phil "such a tool."

Celebrities are to people, and they can be violated just like the rest of us. Sometimes it's literally a smear in a tabloid newspaper, while other times it is Dr. Phil crazy dog chew your leg. If either happens to you, it is important to remember that you have the legal possibilities. Take not the stuff of Dr. Phil.

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