Spoliation has letter - version 4 - your lawyer send a?

6:34 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Posted on 21 March 2011 by Morgan Adams

Every so often I need write to revise and update my standard spoliation (the transport company to save evidence say a letter). Partly because of the changes in the industry in part because it can be made better.

In this latest version I fix some typos, add in some FMCSR, mentions, and I have a section on inspection the truck and trailer industry. Here, among them count for those is version 4!

Have a good tractor trailer-lawyer? If your lawyer has sent a spoliation letter within one month, I suggest that you consider an other Attorney, unless he can articulate why they not robbery letter to send.

If we, who know transport company and involved drivers we usually send our robbery letter on the same day, we are set, or the next day, when the e-Mail has been executed. In some cases are our customers in the hospital or even worse, and we have to wait until the police report to identify is the transport company and drivers, so we know who we need to send the letter.

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