When Hartford a vocation comes....

22:15 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Wow...Our Office has recently took a rash of calls and letters about Hartford insurance company either final benefits or shoot of secretly taped videos on it showing up on people's houses for a "small interview", then out of the ground.

Here are our tips for dealing with the Hartford and their video surveillance tactics:

1. How ever you must be honest brutal with your claim. Not your activity level, the Hartford or your doctors may be wrong. They are looking for a way, your odds to stop and do one of the easiest ways for them is, find misrepresentation between what you say that you do and you do what the video shows.

2. If Hartford sends you a "activities questionnaire" and ask you to report your Activiites in the next few weeks, you understand that it is almost a 100% sure that on video you will be recorded secretly in these two weeks.

3. If Hartford to arrange "Field visit" with you in your home is almost 100% sure that video they already have recorded on you. Interview claims person for 60-90 minute talk, ask plenty of questions and then in the spring the videotape on you.

Do not panic. Be honest. If you are misrepresenting your disability, it may be that you are entitled not anyway.


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