Wrongful death settlement in case against former Texas of Supreme Court

3:51 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Although no terms were released, Tom Phillips has settled in a lawsuit against former Texas of Supreme Court.

A lawsuit accused alcohol-related minors drinking alcohol at their home to allow Phillips and his wife, making the car crash, which killed 17-year-old passenger Audrey King. The young girls were at a party in the ex-judge residence, which was supposedly hosted by his son before the accident. Phillips and his wife said that she had no idea, was the King at their home, yet, that minors were drinking.

A wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the parents, Cheryl and Bobby King girl last summer.

Unfortunately, nothing can take Audrey back to parents but hopefully with this wrongful death reached agreement, the King's family feel that a little justice is done.

I have with this case keep was not only because my practice of wrongful death claims, but also because I believe would be a retired judge so carelessly in his actions. Judge of Phillips and his wife said that they do not know that her son was a party hosting but, that the apology really fly with me not. It is their home! How not they know who it is and what they do?

No one is above the law. Not even a judge. When Phillips don't really know who was in their home, then so with her front door carelessly have they should not. For me, the facts are pretty clear in this case: their home, their alcohol, their fault.

This comment was provided study lawyer practice by Mark Anderson, personal injuries in Fort Worth, Texas. If you think you may have a wrongful death of a beloved one, call the Anderson firm at 817-294-1900 today for a free case consultation claim.

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