TRUCK accident statistics in the United States

2:24 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Car accidents are the leading cause of disability assistance in the United States while truck accidents make only a part of it, it is important that you respect some vital statistics of truck accidents would be prepared and use what comes your way, whatever.

There are more than 400,000 commercial truck accidents in the United States of each Jahr.Mehr as 130,000 people every year in the big rig hurt accidents.More than 600 commercial lorry drivers are killed each year in accidents.

These statistics are alarming, but it can be prevented if you know what you are doing. Specific statistics shed light on a number of trends and facts that you need to keep in mind:

It takes a tractor trailer truck move over 60 m / h length of a football field coming to a halt.Driver fatigue is the main cause of truck accidents every year. big trucks weigh up to 30 times more than the average Auto.LKW company violate regularly Federal motor carrier safety, which means that if you get in an accident you could be liable for money.

Their health is of paramount importance. Always in a collision with a large truck may result in a series of debilitating health conditions, including:

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) spinal cord InjuryTemporary or permanent paralysisDeath

Many of these conditions make the accident is not manifest until up to one year after. If you are a victim of such an accident, you could end up paying invoices on decades beyond. People have won compensation up to $2 million especially poor truck accidents, and even small have charged tens of thousands of dollars those. TRUCKS are enormous, and even minor accidents can have a significant impact.

The good news is that with an experienced attorney, you can fight definitely ahead in the legal. TRUCK companies are notorious for lax safety regulations; However, this means that they are used right to legal challenges. You have to try a team of lawyers on call 24 / 7 and to keep get of the compensation of victims. If you have no legal representation, there is a good chance that you are fleeced your money and put the basics of medical bills without support for a long time. Protect a Georgia today by finding truck accident lawyer!

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