Drunk illegal immigrants drive responsible fatality

17:46 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Created at: 8 June 2011 by Mark A. Anderson

060811%20illegal.jpgFort Worth personal injury lawyer I've seen all sorts of unusual car accident cases in the last 20 years. A deadly collision took place last week in Grand Prairie one turns out to be case, which has no shortage of twists and turns. The wreck occurred at 30 in the vicinity of Highway 161 on Friday night. Gustavo Camacho (31, Arlington) crashed his truck into the back of a car from multi-vehicle pileup. Shun Jerome Williams (32) was in the car radio message was killed by Camacho, and in the accident. Several others were injured, including members of the Lara family, in the third vehicle Renon.


Camacho intoxication was charged with assault, manslaughter and intoxication. Police reports, that he was driving without a valid license, and that he had two prior drunk driving convictions. Now, it turns out that he could have been illegal in the country. Camacho is currently in the Dallas County jail under a order customs and immigration officials keep led Federal.

I customers have helped before, was injured by illegal aliens and that are rightly worried whether even a claim of personal injury can track them even if the negligent driver was not lawful in the United States. The answer is that if they have an American insurance, then of course you can. Insurance companies are not required to obtain proof of citizenship or even legal residence to insure someone.

If you or someone you love in a car accident were injured and you believe that the blame drivers in Texas illegal, then it is important that you experienced car wreck lawyer as soon as possible as in these cases apply time often is of the essence. Call me toll free at 800-354-brand (6275) or locally on 817 294 1900 and I will like to discuss your personal situation and explain your legal rights.

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