Texas police gear for the annual "click it or ticket" campaign

21:02 Publicado por Mario Galarza


Today safety belt marks the beginning of the tenth annual Texas, "click it or ticket" enforcement campaign. Now, legislation will increase 5, Texas of law enforcement officers enforce the seatbelt and booster seat until June.

Since the launch of "Click it or ticket" in 2002 says Texas Department of public safety, seat belt use in Texas has increased from 76% to 94% and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 2,800 were fewer people killed and 48,000 less severe injuries in Texas since 2002.

We praise the combined efforts of the Anderson firm in Fort Worth significantly behind the "click it or ticket" - campaign.

Our personal injury lawyers see run too many car accidents to serious injury, because people are not safety belts bear or something otherwise careless behind the wheel, such as SMS and go do.

The Fort Worth or Dallas drivers there remember, strap - on or ready to open his, your purse.

We hope that "Click it or ticket" has even more success this year and hope are saved even more lives of this fantastic initiative.

View the original article here

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