Jeremiah Jensen fights for his life after by drunk driver

22:52 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I see as Pierce County car accident lawyer at a Bellevue personal injury law firm working victims of car crashes every day by negligent driver caused. But dealing with victims on a daily basis does not make it easier to hear driving accident about a really tragic drunk.

Monday night 17-year-old Jeremiah Jensen rode his bicycle Soundview drive when he slammed into a pickup truck which turned him before. Gig Harbor Police believe that the driver is intoxicated at the time and have arrested and to continue to hold him in prison. When the Gig Harbor Police at the scene of Jeremiah arrived unconscious; Paramedics carried him quickly to the hospital so she could perform an emergency surgery to relieve his brain. Joy Ann Snape, Jeremiah's MOM, rushed to the hospital with her son to be, not even you see was after he awoke from surgery.

Montagmorgen Jensen was a star athlete at the peninsula high school, cross country running and playing football, and now he is to fight for his life in hospital. As a lawyer Auburn wrongful death, I find it hard to believe that people continue to get behind the wheel, stories like this become intoxicated after consulting. This devastating car accident has forever changed the lives of not only the drivers but Jeremiah and his family. Even if you have driven drunk and had to make the fortune to your goal, think what would have happened if you had not so lucky. I hope the driver in this situation will be charged soon and is pain such as that he will ever again set Jeremiah of family never able to.

I can only hope that Jeremiah experiences a complete recovery, and one day be able to get active lifestyle, at the back he is loved so much.

Tags: Auburn wrongful death lawyer, Bellevue personal injury law, drunk driving accident Jeremiah Jensen, Gig Harbor police, Jeremiah Jensen hit by drunk driver, Peninsula athlete drunk driver hit by pierce county car accident lawyer, pierce county drunk driving accident


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