What says Georgia law on boating and drink?

5:35 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As summer approaches it is time, fast the boat get condensed and ready to start to think.  Many will be their boats with supplies and alcohol for your day trips to Lake packaging.  While the combination of alcohol and a day at the Lake can be fun, which showed it to statistics be fatal.

Is under the influence of boating (BUI) despite a major issue in Georgia, what has become many may believe. In the year 2009 alone in Georgia three people died and others were injured in a dozen accidents where alcohol was involved.

Statistics show that someone holding a boot with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of more than 0.10 percent is 10 times more common in a boating accident as someone a boating while sober die.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard boating was 16 per cent of all fatal boating under the influence of the leading factor accidents in 2009.  This is a very alarming figure and sailors in Georgia should be aware how dangerous "booze cruise" can be.

Although 42 States a 0.08% blood-alcohol limit for have, citing a person with a BUI, Georgia is not one of them.

A basis set in Georgia has Kevin Cooke, R Carrollton, along with State Republic to correct the BUI output with House Bill 315. This law would, a blood-alcohol limit for the boat ride from 0.08 with compliance with the limit for driving a vehicle in Georgia would be set.

With the passage of HB-315 boating, would be reduced while intoxicated at 0.08% blood alcohol level, focus our drunk driving laws for roads and waterways.

If you in a boating accident due to negligence or BUI was wounded, then let you make the settlement, you help the Angell Law Firm .

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "laws on the drinking water aggravate", Andy M. Johnson, 23 March 2011


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